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Conditional Types

Conditional types allow for types to be expressed using a ternary syntax.

class Grill {
  startGas() {}
  stopGas() {}
class Oven {
  setTemperature(degrees: number) {}

type CookingDevice<T> = T extends 'grill' ? Grill : Oven; // <- conditional
// "grill" here is a literal type, not a value

let device1: CookingDevice<'grill'>;
// let device1: Grill

let device2: CookingDevice<'oven'>;
// let device2: Oven

<condition> ? <expr-If-True> : <expr-If-False>;

conditionT extends "grill"

Note the use of the extends keyword in the condition.

You can think of it like a >= comparison (as in more specific or equally specific).

Or like "T must be at least the literal type "grill""

Or "Does everything in T fit into "grill"?"

Since "grill" is a literal type then T's only truthy option is to be "grill"

This is basically the same as a generic's setting a minimum requirement

Expressing conditions

T extends <conditional-type> ? <if-true> : <if-false>

If T is more specific than <conditional-type> then the condition is true.

An object with multiple properties is more specific than an object with only one of those properties.

interface obj_1 {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  address: string;

// is more specific than

interface obj_2 {
  id: number;

That's why something like obj_2 is often used as a <conditional-type> or generic constraint.

So in the case of objects, having "more things" means more specific.

But in the case of 64 extends number, 64 is more specific because it has "less things" than number (which can be thought of as "all numbers").

conditionevaluate to:
64 extends numbertrue
number extends 64false
string[] extends anytrue
string[] extends any[]true
never extends anytrue
any extends anytrue
Date extends {new (...args: any[]): any }false
(typeof Date) extends {new (...args: any[]): any }true

(typeof Date) extends {new (...args: any[]): any } is true because:

  • typeof Date refers to the class itself...the constructor (or the "factory") for Dates.
  • {new (...args: any[]): any } refers to things that can be used with the new keyword (or things that are "new-able").
  • Date refers to an instance of the class Date. It is created by using new with the Date class constructor, but Date as an instance is not "new-able".

From the Intermediate TypeScript course on FEM taught by Mike North.

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