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Extract and Exclude Utilities

These utility types, included with TypeScript, are used to obtain a sub-part of a type either through specifying what you're looking for or what you're not looking for.

Behind the scenes they are implemented using conditional types.


What you're looking for.

Useful for obtaining some sub-part of a type that is assignable to some other type.

type Extract<T, U> = T extends U ? T : never

type FavoriteColors =
  | 'dark sienna'
  | 'yellow ochre'
  | 'sap green'
  | 'titanium white'
  | 'phthalo green'
  | 'prussian blue'
  | 'cadium yellow'
  | [number, number, number]
  | { red: number; green: number; blue: number };

type StringColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, string>;
// type StringColors = "dark sienna" | "yellow ochre" | "sap green" | "titanium white" | "phthalo green" | "prussian blue" | "cadium yellow"

type ObjectColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, { red: number }>;
// type ObjectColors = {
//   red: number;
//   green: number;
//   blue: number;
// }

type TupleColors = Extract<FavoriteColors, [number, number, number]>;
// type TupleColors = [number, number, number]

For type StringColors you could say:

"We're Extracting the subset of FavoriteColors that is assignable to string."

NOTE: this is similar to the example of using keyof with the & intersection operator in the Type Queries notes.


What you're NOT looking for.

Useful for obtaining some sub-part of a type that is NOT assignable to some other type.

type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T

type FavoriteColors =
  | 'dark sienna'
  | 'yellow ochre'
  | 'sap green'
  | 'titanium white'
  | 'phthalo green'
  | 'prussian blue'
  | 'cadium yellow'
  | [number, number, number]
  | { red: number; green: number; blue: number };

type NonStringColors = Exclude<FavoriteColors, string>;
// type NonStringColors =
//   | [number, number, number]
//   | {
//       red: number;
//       green: number;
//       blue: number;
//     }

For type NonStringColors you could say:

"We're Excludeing the subset of FavoriteColors that is assignable to string."

From the Intermediate TypeScript course on FEM taught by Mike North.

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