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Type Queries

Type queries allow us to obtain type information from values.


The keyof type query allows you to obtain types representing all property keys on a given interface.

This results in a union type.

type ObjectLiteralType = {
  first: 1;
  second: 2;

type Result = keyof ObjectLiteralType;
// Inferred Type: "first" | "second"

Narrow with an intersection operator

type DatePropertyNames = keyof Date;

Not all keys on Date are string's. One is a symbol.

We can separate out the different key types using the intersection operator (&).

  • "I only want to see the keys that are of type string", or...
  • "I only want to see the keys that are of type symbol"

With the intersection operator we're left with only the sub-part of the keyof Date keys that are also included by string or symbol.

type DatePropertyNames = keyof Date;

type DateStringPropertyNames = DatePropertyNames & string;
// type DateStringPropertyNames = "toString" | "toDateString" | ...

type DateSymbolPropertyNames = DatePropertyNames & symbol;
// type DateSymbolPropertyNames = typeof Symbol.toPrimitive

NOTE: this is similar to using the Extract TS utility


The typeof type query allows you to extract a type from a value.

async function main() {
  const apiResponse = await Promise.all([
    Promise.resolve('Titanium White'),

  type ApiResponseType = typeof apiResponse;
  // type ApiResponseType = [Response, string];

with Classes

Classes are values and types, at the same time.

A common use of typeof is to obtain a type representing the static side of a class (meaning: constructor, static properties, and other things not present on an instance of the class).

class Fruit {
    public readonly name: string,
    public readonly mass: number,
    public readonly color: string
  ) {}

  static createBanana() {
    return new Fruit('banana', 108, 'yellow');

const MyFruit = Fruit;
// const MyFruit: typeof Fruit;

const banana = Fruit.createBanana();
// const banana: Fruit;

const apple = new Fruit('apple', 98, 'red');
// const apple: Fruit;
  • MyFruit, the class (constructor), is of type typeof Fruit
  • Instances are of type Fruit

From the Intermediate TypeScript course on FEM taught by Mike North.

From the React and TypeScript, v2 course on FEM taught by Steve Kinney.

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